NFRC Codes         
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Applied Film Find ratings for film-attachment products
      Only products with a current certification will appear in this search.

Find Ratings based on a CPD Number
CPD Number Find a product by CPD Number.
      This search will only return products with a current certification.
      If you have a "full" CPD number (e.g. AAA-X-11-01234-01234) it may not return a result if the product is a historically certified product.
      If the product was labeled in the past, the Label Verification Search will find any historical labels which may have been available
      for that product in the past.

Verify the ratings shown on an NFRC labeled product
Label Verification Verify the ratings of an NFRC-certified product
      To determine if your product is CURRENTLY certified, please use one of the searches above.
      This search requires a "full" CPD number (e.g. AAA-X-11-01234-01234) and will return results for any product (historical or current) that used that number.
      This search is intended to compare the ratings found on your label with those that were certified.

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