NFRC Codes         

Detailed Product Ratings

Manufacturer: Steel Traditions LLC
Series Name: Classic Series Steel Casement
Operator Type: CSSV
Air Leakage: ≤ 0.3
Ventilation Rating (Standard Screen):
Ventilation Rating (Enhanced Screen):

RATINGS INFORMATION (Found 343 Products)
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CPD #Manufacturer Product CodeU-factorSHGCVTCondensation ResistanceProduct Description
STT-M-6-00001-00001 SunGuard SNX50 4mm_375_ARG_CL 4mm_375_ARG_SunGuard SNX50 4mm0.510.150.19 16 Steel (Non thermally-broken)/Steel (Non thermally-broken), Fill 1: ARG/AIR(90/10) , Fill 2: ARG/AIR(90/10) , LowE, CL, No Grid
STT-M-6-00002-00001 LowE 366 5mm_655_ARG_i89 5mm0.550.200.43 16 Steel (Non thermally-broken)/Steel (Non thermally-broken), Fill 1: ARG/AIR(90/10) , LowE, CL, No Grid
STT-M-6-00002-00002 LowE 366 5mm_625_ARG_i89 5mm0.550.200.43 16 Steel (Non thermally-broken)/Steel (Non thermally-broken), Fill 1: ARG/AIR(90/10) , LowE, CL, No Grid
STT-M-6-00002-00003 LowE 366 5mm_530_ARG_i89 5mm0.550.210.43 16 Steel (Non thermally-broken)/Steel (Non thermally-broken), Fill 1: ARG/AIR(90/10) , LowE, CL, No Grid
STT-M-6-00003-00001 LowE 366 5mm_500_ARG_i89 5mm0.560.210.43 16 Steel (Non thermally-broken)/Steel (Non thermally-broken), Fill 1: ARG/AIR(90/10) , LowE, CL, No Grid
STT-M-6-00003-00002 LowE 366 6mm_500_ARG_i89 6mm0.560.210.42 16 Steel (Non thermally-broken)/Steel (Non thermally-broken), Fill 1: ARG/AIR(90/10) , LowE, CL, No Grid
STT-M-6-00003-00003 LowE 366 6mm_500_ARG_i89 6mm0.560.210.42 16 Steel (Non thermally-broken)/Steel (Non thermally-broken), Fill 1: ARG/AIR(90/10) , LowE, CL, No Grid
STT-M-6-00004-00001 LowE 366 5mm_530_ARG_CL 5mm0.590.210.44 16 Steel (Non thermally-broken)/Steel (Non thermally-broken), Fill 1: ARG/AIR(90/10) , LowE, CL, No Grid
STT-M-6-00005-00001 LowE 366 5mm_625_ARG_CL 5mm0.590.210.44 16 Steel (Non thermally-broken)/Steel (Non thermally-broken), Fill 1: ARG/AIR(90/10) , LowE, CL, No Grid
STT-M-6-00005-00002 LowE 366 5mm_655_ARG_CL 5mm0.590.210.44 16 Steel (Non thermally-broken)/Steel (Non thermally-broken), Fill 1: ARG/AIR(90/10) , LowE, CL, No Grid
STT-M-6-00006-00001 LowE 366 5mm_500_ARG_CL 5mm0.590.210.44 16 Steel (Non thermally-broken)/Steel (Non thermally-broken), Fill 1: ARG/AIR(90/10) , LowE, CL, No Grid
STT-M-6-00006-00002 LowE 366 6mm_500_ARG_CL 6mm0.590.210.43 16 Steel (Non thermally-broken)/Steel (Non thermally-broken), Fill 1: ARG/AIR(90/10) , LowE, CL, No Grid
STT-M-6-00007-00001 Climaguard 70/36 5mm_500_ARG_CL 5mm0.600.280.47 16 Steel (Non thermally-broken)/Steel (Non thermally-broken), Fill 1: ARG/AIR(90/10) , LowE, CL, No Grid
STT-M-6-00007-00002 Climaguard 62/27 6mm_500_ARG_CL 6mm0.600.200.40 16 Steel (Non thermally-broken)/Steel (Non thermally-broken), Fill 1: ARG/AIR(90/10) , LowE, CL, No Grid
STT-M-6-00007-00003 Climaguard 62/27 5mm_500_ARG_CL 5mm0.600.200.41 16 Steel (Non thermally-broken)/Steel (Non thermally-broken), Fill 1: ARG/AIR(90/10) , LowE, CL, No Grid
STT-M-6-00007-00004 Climaguard 70/36 6mm_500_ARG_CL 6mm0.600.280.47 16 Steel (Non thermally-broken)/Steel (Non thermally-broken), Fill 1: ARG/AIR(90/10) , LowE, CL, No Grid
STT-M-6-00008-00001 Climaguard 70/36 5mm_625_ARG_CL 5mm0.590.280.47 16 Steel (Non thermally-broken)/Steel (Non thermally-broken), Fill 1: ARG/AIR(90/10) , LowE, CL, No Grid
STT-M-6-00008-00002 Climaguard 70/36 5mm_530_ARG_CL 5mm0.590.280.47 16 Steel (Non thermally-broken)/Steel (Non thermally-broken), Fill 1: ARG/AIR(90/10) , LowE, CL, No Grid
STT-M-6-00008-00003 Climaguard 62/27 5mm_655_ARG_CL 5mm0.590.200.41 16 Steel (Non thermally-broken)/Steel (Non thermally-broken), Fill 1: ARG/AIR(90/10) , LowE, CL, No Grid
STT-M-6-00008-00004 Climaguard 62/27 5mm_625_ARG_CL 5mm0.590.200.41 16 Steel (Non thermally-broken)/Steel (Non thermally-broken), Fill 1: ARG/AIR(90/10) , LowE, CL, No Grid
STT-M-6-00008-00005 Climaguard 62/27 5mm_530_ARG_CL 5mm0.590.200.41 16 Steel (Non thermally-broken)/Steel (Non thermally-broken), Fill 1: ARG/AIR(90/10) , LowE, CL, No Grid
STT-M-6-00009-00001 Climaguard 70/36 5mm_655_ARG_CL 5mm0.590.280.47 16 Steel (Non thermally-broken)/Steel (Non thermally-broken), Fill 1: ARG/AIR(90/10) , LowE, CL, No Grid
STT-M-6-00010-00001 Climaguard 70/36 5mm_500_AIR_CL 5mm0.630.290.47 16 Steel (Non thermally-broken)/Steel (Non thermally-broken), Fill 1: AIR(100) , LowE, CL, No Grid
STT-M-6-00010-00002 Climaguard 62/27 5mm_500_AIR_CL 5mm0.630.200.41 16 Steel (Non thermally-broken)/Steel (Non thermally-broken), Fill 1: AIR(100) , LowE, CL, No Grid
STT-M-6-00010-00003 Climaguard 62/27 6mm_500_AIR_CL 6mm0.630.200.40 16 Steel (Non thermally-broken)/Steel (Non thermally-broken), Fill 1: AIR(100) , LowE, CL, No Grid
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A dash “-” in a rating column (SHGC / VT) indicates that there are no NFRC certified values for that individual product.

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